STS Version Free Trial Software Download For Windows
The ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) APP is providing automated customizable Twitter, Multi Sessions with maximum Customization flexibility for all Twitters API, STS API and Integrated Social Networking Application. Most of the time the STS Multi Sessions /Threads are used for the Multi Twitter Accounts Monitoring. The other use case for the STS Multi Sessions is when a single Twitter user account has many friends and followers then the user might need to monitor by Auto Poll, 2 different rules based criteria definition for each active session. Multi Sessions for the single Twitter account can use the same API set or completely different API set with different pattern matching. STS lets you find out what your friends are doing in whatever way makes the most sense for you. Check out STS Windows APP features for easier ways to send and receive Twitter Updates and Send message to all friends by pressing one Hotkey Shortcut or few clicks.
The STS APP also allows continuous monitoring with user Alerts, based on your configuration. Despite the fact that the STS is providing maximum flexibility and allowing maximum customization, it is very easy to use and simple to understand. You will be able to configure and monitor your Twitter Friends activities 24 hours 7 days in 3 easy steps of pressing [Ctrl+1] Shortcut, entering Twitter Login information and saving file, [Ctrl+0] to Exit STS APP, Starting STS APP again and finally pressing [Ctrl+3] to enable Auto Poll your twitter account. For Session 1 configuration and start monitoring steps: [Ctrl+1], [Ctrl+0] ,Start STS APP and [Ctrl+3] For Session 1 and 2 configuration and start monitoring steps [Ctrl+1], [Ctrl+2], [Ctrl+0] and Start STS APP [Ctrl+3] After 7000 Years Evolutions of Cultural Social Networking, using different models of human social connectivity, and interactions, now we are entering new era of Short Messaging Social Networking and Business Connectivity Microbloging. Now in the year 7009 of Cultural Social Networking Evolutions, ShortSearch is announcing ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) APP which is built at the top of the ShortSearch Hotkey Shortcuts (SHS) and runs on both Windows Desktops and Laptops. Both STS and SHS Apps are based on Unified ShortSearch Distributed Decentralized Dynamic (USDDD) Architecture Software and Guideline Framework model. NASA space exploration of the Solar System, Black Holes, White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars. Big Bang and Universe Simulation video clips by NASA has inspired us for developing USDDD software architecture model. 1- STS has Auto Poll monitoring feature and Alerts user for events like new messages, statuses posted from the authenticating Twitter user and that user's friends . With STS API tool any Twitter API can be configured by user for the Auto Poll and archiving. The Auto Poll feature when it is enabled, get the results for the user listed API, parsing the result based on defined Regular Expression or text pattern match. The result by default is displayed in a windows Balloon with the INFO text and TITLE for 15 seconds before disappearing. In addition by default the STS is configured to monitor your Twitter friends list Update and show you the friends latest post in the Balloon window off of the STS tray icon. 2- All key features are mapped to different Hotkey Shortcuts and can be customized by user. 3- Provides flexible XML based interface to all Twitter API. with user defined RegEx pattern recognition. The STS interface to Twitter API methods are easy to understand and allow users to access core Twitter data. This includes update timelines, status data, and user information. For Detail visit Twitter API Documentation 4- Allows you to extract and post (Update) to Twitter from Internet HTML web pages, local HTML and text files. Has ability to extract Titles and Links from HTML page and post it to your Twitter account. 5- Allows Twitter searches, and provides users with flexibility to highlight search result text, based on user defined pattern matching requirements. 6- The STS is Windows application that runs on your local system and allows you to archive tweets or results of any Twitter API for later data-mining and analysis for a given search and other API Results. Or Twitter API calls for later reviewing when you don't have access to Internet. 7- It is easy to use and statisfy expectations of two groups, one group those who don’t need customization and second group more sophisticated users with Maximum customization flexibility requirements and expectations. 8- Supports user defined regular expression, often called a pattern, is an expression that describes a set of strings. The regular expressions provide a concise and flexible means for identifying strings of text of interest, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Rregular Expression Details 9- All Key features has default example configurations which makes it easier to modify XML files for your requirements. The STS is very flexible, configurable and user customizable by modifying installed default XML files in archive directory and subdirectories or creating new XML files for additional functionalities to meet your every day usage of Internet expectations to be more efficient. 10- ShortSearch Launcher has easy to use program launcher feature. The ShortSearch Launcher allows user to combine shortcuts into groups, helps to free the desktop from numerous icons, folders, and files by moving them to the STS Launcher XML file. Also user can start applications via tray menu and hotkeys. Launcher has many flexible settings. This ShortSearch registers a global Windows hotkey and invokes the CALLBACK whenever the HOTKEY is pressed.
Please follow quick easy STS features tutorial steps by pressing Hotkey Shortcuts range From: : [Ctrl+3] , 4,5,6,7,8, To: [Control 9], then Hotkey From: [Ctrl+F1], To: [Ctrl+F12], review each Hotkey results, and reply to the STS questions as you wish or cancel the step, move to the next. For quick SHS features tutorial, press Hotkey Shortcuts range From: [Alt+1] ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 To: [Alt+9], From: [Alt+F1] To: [Alt+F6], review each Hotkey results, some of the Hotkeys From: [Alt+A] To: [Alt+Z]. hotkeys are not active. If you are planning to follow STS and SHS tutorial steps, please write down the list of Hotkeys steps that might be very useful for your every day use and you may wish to share it with your friends, family members and Twitters followers.
Alt-T or F2 or Ctrl+F1 | By pressing Alt-T Hotkey shortcut the popup menu at the current cursor position will be displayed. |
Ctrl+0 | Terminate STS ShortSearch Tray. |
Ctrl+1 | After pressing [Ctrl+1] the STS opens TwitterUserSession1.xml file for Session 1 Login and Password editing. |
Ctrl+2 | After pressing [Ctrl+2] the STS opens TwitterUserSession1.xml file for Session 2 Login and Password editing. |
Ctrl+3 | [o Enable Auto Poll Twitter Every 1 Minute [Ctrl+3] Enables 2 sessions of Auto Pilot. |
Ctrl+4 |
to changeURL list , edit this file archive\MultiTabsSocialNetworking.xml and modify URL list in the file. |
Ctrl+5 | Calling Twitter API search(rpp=30, lang=en, query=Global Warming) and Highlighting text Search results output Text to change query Search Term or Output Results, edit SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml and Search for "Ctrl+5" to find where to change ... |
Ctrl+6 | Calling Twitter API search(query=Solar Energy ) and Highlighting Search Term results output Text and edit SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml and Search for "Ctrl+6" to find where to change ... |
Ctrl+7 | Getting a configured URL from an Internet site and parsing downloaded file for extracting Title and absolute URL links only, the links will be truncated if Title + URL > 140 characters. After extracting title and links, prompt you for each Title with associated link and ask you whether to update your Twitter User Account or skip to next title, Do You Want to Continue or Stop This Configured Action? To change URL edit SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+8 | Getting a configured URL from an Internet site and parsing downloaded file for extracting Title and absolute URL links only, the links will be truncated if Title + URL > 140 characters. After extracting title and links, prompt you for each Title with associated link and ask you whether to update your Twitter User Account or skip to next title, Do You Want to Continue or Stop This Configured Action? To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+9 | This is the test case for sending the following message to your friends list "Recommend ShortSearch Twitter (STS) App. Tool for every day use Click This Link To Learn More http://twurl.nl/do38kk" |
Ctrl+F1 | Hotkey shortcut for Popup Menu Display at the current cursor position will be displayed. |
Ctrl+F2 | Auto Poll User Selected API call result is displayed in a windows Balloon with the INFO text and TITLE for 15 seconds before disappearing. To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F3 | Providing an example of how to output as many URLs in one page for easier Browing and comparing results of different pages without using TABs To change URL list , edit this file archive\config\groupdynurlcfg\AutoGenXmlSearchKeywordsListSocialNetworks.xml |
Ctrl+F4 | This is an example for calling Search API achieve the result without opening the HTML file search(query=Hydrogen Alternative Energy, rpp=100, page=1, lang=en, ) create result archive file To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F5 | This is an example for calling Search API and provide Text result and filtering out other fields. search( query=Cell EMF, rpp=100, page=1, lang=en, ) To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F6 | This is an example for calling Search API and filtering the result based on user defined Rregular Expression The output result is shown in the Balloon Window To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F7 | This is an example of faster and easier Integrated Shopping Category Browsing, when the intention is Browsing and user does not know what is available. |
Ctrl+F8 | This is an Example of API update routine and highlighting the update result. To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F9 | This is an example of configured local Input Text File, splitting text content to 140 character messages and prompting user to confirm different broken Text messages for updating Twitter Account. In this example the followingfile is used twitter\archive\InputTextFileForParsingAndSpliting.txt as input file for parsing. To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F10 | If Session 2 is configured. Auto Poll User Selected API call result is displayed in a windows Balloon with the INFO text and TITLE for 15 seconds before disappearing. To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase2.xml |
Ctrl+F11 | In this Example one field output format is shown by Calling Twitter API search(rpp=100, page=2, lang=en, query=Amazon) the short text messages and Highlighting text Search results output, to change query Search Term or Output Results, edit SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml and Search for "Ctrl+F11" to find where to change ... To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Ctrl+F12 | In this Example one field output format is shown by Calling Twitter API search(rpp=100, page=2, lang=en, query=Amazon) the short text messages and Highlighting text Search results output, to change query Search Term or Output Results, edit SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml and Search for "Ctrl+F11" to find where to change ... To Browse, edit open this file: SocialNetworks\twitter\StsApiDefaulttBase1.xml |
Alt+F1 | By pressing Alt F1 the default browser and mail program will be launched one after the other. To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml in the shortarchive/config/groupdynurlcfg subdirectory. |
Alt+F2 | The Alt F2 is mapped to Microsoft Word . To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml |
Alt+F3 | The Alt F3 is mapped to Microsoft PowerPoint . To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml |
Alt+F4 | The Alt F4 is mapped to Microsoft Excel . To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml |
Alt+F5 | The Alt F5 is mapped to Microsoft Windows Movie Maker . To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml |
Alt+F6 | The Alt F6 is mapped to Microsoft Internet Explorere. To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml |
Alt+F6 to F10 | The Alt F6, F7, F8, F9 and F10 are not mapped replace zzzzzz. To modify this hotkey mapping edit AutoGenXmLauncherHoKeyList.xml in the shortarchive/config/groupdynurlcfg subdirectory. |
System Requirements:
Regardless of any operation or application you are currently running on you desktop, simply striking the Alt-T (hotkey) combination or any of the other predefined hotkeys, will launch the ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) popup menu, allowing for easy access to the information you desire, without disturbing the current page or window you are in. This all-in-one tool will undoubtedly increase your ability to find the information you seek, from anywhere on the web, and it only take seconds to install!
To activate this innovative tool and invoke some of it's useful features, simply strike the Alt-T hotkey,F2, or Right Mouse click on the STS icon in the Windows Tray for Popup Menu Navigation, or strike one of the predefined shortcuts.
Regardless of any operation or application you are currently running on you desktop, simply striking the Alt-T (hotkey) combination or any of the other predefined hotkeys, will launch the ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) popup menu, allowing for easy access to the information you desire, without disturbing the current page or window you are in. This all-in-one tool will undoubtedly increase your ability to find the information you seek, from anywhere on the web, and it only take seconds to install!
STS Version Free Trial Software Download For Windows
Added SHS Features Description to the STS |
Alt+1 | Video.ShortSearch Channels | ||||||
Alt+2 | SearchAltEnergy Video Channel |
Alt+3 | DolphinRights Video Channel |
Alt+4 | Global 2009 Hot Topics Video Playlist |
Alt+5 | Integrated Video Search |
Alt+6 | General Video Search | ||||||
Alt+7 | USA Business Crisis Video Search |
Alt+8 | Amazon and Other Top Stores | ||||||
Alt+9 |
Actions To Stop Dolphins Slaughter Multi Tabs opens 6 browsers tabs to help you understand the facts and truth much faster:
Alt+A | By pressing Alt+A Search & Audio [A] Menu Function will be invoked and a Browser is opened with multiple Audio Search Engines Page | ||||||
Alt+B | By pressing Alt+B the Search Web Menu Function will be invoked and a Browser will be opened with multiple Web Search Engines result in one scrollable page and each search engine will have its own page for the "Dolphin Slaughter" | ||||||
Alt+C | By pressing Alt+C the Search Web Menu Function will be invoked and a Browser will be opened with multiple Web Search Engines result in one scrollable page and each search engine will have its own page for the "Save Dolphin " | ||||||
Alt+D | Dictionary and Thesaurus. | ||||||
Alt+E | Global Warming web search. | ||||||
Alt+F | User Favorites Multi Tabs Alt+F Feature? Start Internet Explorer Browser Before Pressing Alt+F for User Favorites Multi Tabs. This Video.ShortSearch feature allows to open multiple favorites Web pages in just one window. The Tabbed browsing provided by Internet Explorer 7. This feature is extremely useful for all users who are visiting the same Favorites web pages URL every day or very often . The user may add, delete or modify a URL by editing the default Video.ShortSearch setting in the configuration file. Use Microsoft Notepad editor to open the following XML file: C:\Program Files\Dolphin Rights Information Sensor\archive\UserMultiFavoritesTabs.xml Modify the following line or copy and paste or delete as you needed ... <GroupedDynUrlList>http://www.yahoo.com/</GroupedDynUrlList> or add as many URL you wish, the following line is the possible example URL to add: <GroupedDynUrlList>http://www.dolphinrights.org/phpBB3/ </GroupedDynUrlList> |
Alt+G | Web Search Groups [G][Alt+G] | ||||||
Alt+H | Video.ShortSearch &Help/Support/FAQ Forum | ||||||
Alt+I | Search &Images [I][Alt+I] | ||||||
Alt+J | Not used | ||||||
Alt+K | Not used | ||||||
Alt+L | Not used | ||||||
Alt+M | Shortcut To This Popup Menu [Alt+M] | ||||||
Alt+N | By pressing Alt+N Search News [N] Menu Function will be invoked and a Browser is opened with multiple News Search Engines Page regarding current host ... | ||||||
Alt+O | Not used | ||||||
Alt+P | 2009 Hot Topics FREE Iran and Persian Sites Opens in the Multi Tab Format | ||||||
Alt+Q | Not used | ||||||
Alt+R | ShortSearch Software Customization/Consulting [R][Alt+R] | ||||||
Alt+S | Business News &Stock Research [S][Alt+S] in the Multi Tab Browser Format | ||||||
Alt+T | Not used | ||||||
Alt+U | Not used | ||||||
Alt+V | Search Video [V][Alt+V] in the Multi Tab Browser Format | ||||||
Alt+W | Search &Web [W][Alt+W] | ||||||
Alt+X | Not used | ||||||
Alt+Y | Search Directoy [Y][Alt+Y] | ||||||
Alt+Z | Animal Rights and what is new in San Diego Zoo |
Key Advantages of The ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) ?
After DolphinRights ShortSearch Twitter Shortcuts (STS) installation the user should be able to start the STS without any problem. In order to test, make sure you are connected to Internet and if there is no Dolphin Icon in Windows System Tray area please click on Desktop Dolphin tray Icon to start the STS , if everything is operating normally the STS will be appeared when the right mouse clicked on the tray Icon or Alt-T Hotkey shortcut pressed. Whenever the user clicks on the tray icon the Popup menu.will be displayed. Now that the Dolphin Icon is in Windwos system tray area you may press Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, Alt-4, Alt-5, Alt-6, Alt-7 and examine the output result.
When you browse internet and see HTML page with Email Addresses that you may need it, copy that HTML page to C:\Program Files\Dolphin Rights Information Sensor\EmailExtractArchive directory then press Alt-T Hotkey for STS Popup Menu and select Email Extraction [E] menu item and new Html file name that you have copied and it is shown as menu item, the HTML file will be parsed for Emails and a new file will be created with the following extension "EmailsExtractOut.txt"