Sharing over 25 video clips, articles regarding Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Perspectives from top brilliant Subject Experts, Professors and Physicians to provide 360 degree insights for your review and possible Lifestyle Change Decisions
The Science of How the Body Heals Itself with William Li, M.D. Dr. Li is an international expert in health and disease-reversal. His work has impacted more than 23 million people across 94 countries. Dr. Li discussed his data-driven research of how the body heals itself and the effect certain foods can have on certain diseases, which resonated with the audience.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ―― R. Buckminster Fuller
“Intelligence is the Ability to Adapt to Change” Prof. Stephen Hawking
Darwin famously said it's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. “It's the one that is most adaptable to change.”
1) Dr. Louis Cady, M.D. "If you believe that Antioxidants are real, valid, and critically correlated with patients’ health, and by extension, presuming that you care about your patients’ health."
2) "If you believe that boosting your patients’ antioxidant levels is associated with improved health, decreased morbidity, and the prevention of skin cancer, prostate cancer, atherosclerosis, and basically all of the degenerative diseases of aging associated with free radicals and inadequate antioxidant protection." Dr. Louis Cady, M.D.
3) If you have reviewed the scientific literature and are convinced that the Physicist Nobel Prize Raman Spectroscopic Technology, as embodied in the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanners S3 is valid.
4) "If you believe you should only take antioxidant supplements after measuring Antioxidant levels and when recommended by your doctor or health practitioner or educating yourself by different Harvard Nutrition studies, which is especially the case if you have an inadequate diet with dangerously low score and cannot change your lifestyle easily due to unique circumstances to healthy Organic Whole Food Plant-Based diet like my Role Model Dr. Ellsworth Wareham who lived for 104 years, was ‘Blue Zone’ pioneer, Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Vegan for over 60 years. Unfortunately today Average Doctors Life Expectancy in U.S. are Lower than General Population, Together with Physicians Self Assessments Based On Their Practice, Challenges & Support for Our Constructive Change Model Will Improve Quality of Life. Currently as my first step offer FREE Scan for Physicians because I believe Biophotonic S3 Scanner is Lifestyle Changing Empowering Innovated Blue Light at the End of Tunnel which is Based on Finding by Nobel Prize Winner Physicist Raman. If and when Physicians become interested to learn about my current active 5 years research findings regarding challenges at Strategic Inflection Points and Constructive Healthy Lifestyle Change by Diet then I will share it with them as requested. " Cyrus Marvasti Technologists & Constructive Change Architect
5) If you want to learn from our Physicians leadership team members experience who have been using Pharmanex Biophotonic S3 Scanner in their practice, please ask to setup 3-Way call.
6) If you are interested to learn more about Innovative Patented Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner please contact me as San Diego Distributor, Operator & Integrator for Your Practice. Please let me know, when can we meet in your office to show you this device with different flexible trial options for your practice that is considered as attractive with high ROI
“The amount of antioxidants you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long and how well you’ll live” -
"Antioxidants are the body’s primary defense against this destructive force.” "Carotenoids as a first line of defense and their protective effect on Vitamins C and E."
"Constructive Lifestyle Change at Strategic Inflection Points for Health Challenges, Reversing Metabolic Syndrome, and Slowing Biological Aging Starts with Screening Antioxidants Level... Unfortunately, today Doctors Average Life Expectancy in U.S. are Lower Than General Population, Together with Your Support for my Innovative Constructive Change Plan Will Improve Quality of Life …”
Dr. David Rosenberg M.D "In an ideal world that would be true. And there are some areas in the world where you can get it. But we know for the last 50 years at least that our fruit and vegetables are not equivalent to what they were 50 years ago (at least in this country) because of the effect of the soil’s depletion of nutrients. So we now can measure whether what you’re doing on a daily basis nutritionally is sound and whether you need a supplement."
For More Information Superfruits Juice Blend Benefits Gac, Siberian Pineapple, Cili, Chinese Lycium Superfruit Gac Health & Beauty Boost Gac in G3 is simply your perfect drinkable health and beauty. Powered by Superfruit Gac, G3 drinks offer you the highest amount of all-natural Antioxidant Carotenoids and the least amount of sugar and calories. And they taste delicious!
Order OnlineProf. Packer took note of Vitamins C & E, as well as Coenzyme Co-Q10 (ubiquinoe), Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Selenium as all functioning as part of the antioxidant network. He specifically noted carotenoids as a first line of defense and their protective effect on Vitamins C and E. Later, Stahl and Sies, writing as recently as May 200519, noted that “there is convincing evidence that carotenoids are important components of the antioxidant network. …Lutein and zeaxanthin are the predominant carotenoids of the retina and are considered to act as photoprotectants preventing retinal degeneration.” In terms of disease prevention, Stahl and Sies also reviewed that the consumption of a diet rich in carotenoids
The actual anti-cancer effects of the Antioxidant Carotenoids were specifically mentioned, as well as their function as “potent antioxidants” in Sharoni et al., 2003.22 Specifically they asserted the following: “It is widely accepted that diet changes are a powerful means to prevent cancer. The possible involvement of transcriptional activity in the anticancer activity of carotenoids will be the focus of this review. Carotenoids function as potent antioxidants, and this is clearly a major mechanism of their action. In addition, carotenoids action involves interference in several pathways related to cancer cell proliferation and includes changes in the expression of many proteins participating in these processes.”
Sadek A, Berk LS, Mainess K, Daher NS. Abstract BACKGROUND- Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) demonstrate a physiological imbalance between free radicals, resultant from oxidative stress, and antioxidants. Oxidative stress is linked to the pathogenesis of this neurocognitive disorder. The aim of this pilot feasibility study was to examine the effect of consumption of high concentration antioxidant cacao on behavior of children with ASD. CONCLUSION- Results from this study support the potential therapeutic benefit of antioxidants in improving social communication, unusual behaviors, and self-regulation behaviors of children with ASD. Further robust randomized controlled trials are now necessary to elaborate the validity of these findings. PMID: 29870399
My Technologist Thought Process, long term goals and Judgement as Software Architect, and Constructive Change Leader is simplified as shown below in one Graphical Abstract Summary:
My Technologist Thought Process and Judgement As Earth Centric Constructive Change Architect Summary: My current thought process regarding future Business Management Distributed Decentralized Leadership Model Architecture for Constructive Change Model at Strategic Inflection Point and my Upward Spiral model in next 100 years (with both short-term and long-term attributes) has been evolved in past 2 decades and influenced by what I have learned from Great Engineering and Business Minds : Co-founder and chairman emeritus of Intel Corporation Dr. Gordon Moore (Presidential Medal of Freedom), late Intel co-founder CEO Dr. Andy Grove that helped transform the Intel into the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductors based on his thought process regarding Strategic Inflection Point Model for Change and Moore’s Law, Late Famous British Physicist Stephen Hawking, Italian Genius Engineer and Painter Leonardo da Vinci, Persian Scholar mathematician, astronomer and Agnostic Poet Khayyam (December 1131)(solved inflection point problem), Persian Scholar Razi (854–925 CE) (Physician, Chemist, Agnostic Philosopher, and important figure in the history of medicine) and the great Greek Mathematician & Philosopher (who rejected cruelty against animals by humans) Pythagoras (570 – 495 BC).